Sunday, May 18, 2008

Addison and Alyssa

Here are some recent pictures of Addison, Alyssa and their proud Grandmama. You can't tell at all that I am a proud mom and aunt. I love those two little girls! Alyssa is doing great. She is growing fast and becoming so alert. She coos and smiles all the time. Addison loves Baby Alyssa too. She always wants to look at her pictures on our fridge. They are going to have so much fun growing up together.

Enjoying the warm weather!

Okay, my child absolutely loves being outside. She has bruises up and down her legs from playing and falling outside. She loves picking flowers, playing with her ball, and watching her dog catch bubbles in his mouth. Here are some pictures of Addison outside.

I love this pictures of Addison. I think it is so sweet!

She is such a ham!

Easter Dress

I know this is a little late, but here are some pictures of Addison in her Easter dress. They were taken with her Nana's camera, so I am just now getting around to putting them on my computer.